Allegion improved the forms for Return/ Replace cases. We've added some questions so that Allegion will have all the info to process the request and so that the form is also more user friendly. Overall this will improve efficiency for the Customer and for Customer Service.
When you enter the PO or Order Number, you will now be required to select which order line(s) you want to return or replace. Upon selecting the order and its order lines will load the input fields of the case form for all return/ replace cases. This is the same behavior we added to the Expedite case froms in Nov 2023.
Change in Ship to Address captures detailed information for address and who should be notified upon order arrival. When the change in address is requested in the form, the address fields become mandatory to submit the case.
Attach files or photos
Users can now upload files and photos during case creation.
Files or photos can be uploaded if they meet the following conditions:
- Formats supported are JPG, PNG, GIF or PDF
- Files size must be within 3MB
- 5 files can be uploaded against a case
User can click and view the Allegion Terms and Condition that are applied for the successful resolution of a case.
It is also mandatory for the user to acknowledge and wait for the RMA paperwork to be completed for case resolution in accordance with Allegion’s T&C.
For CANADIAN customers only: 'Primary Product Type' is no longer required and the ability to change the ship-to address is not an option since Canada has pre-approved ship-to addresses.
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