When a company wants to buy directly from Allegion, they must go through an onboarding process which includes a credit application and signing an Authorized Seller Agreement. The team enhancements to Customer Onboarding are as follows:
- Display of Company selection field: The users will now be able to see the account name under the Company Selection. The external user will see the company name and is static (non-changeable) and for Allegion employees it allows them to select the company.
- The 'Welcome Letter' under the final phase of onboarding that is provided to the external user for download is now privatized. Only the logged in users will be able to download the pdf file. PS: There is no behavioral change to the users downloading the pdf file
- Support hyperlink under the "Let's Begin" button on the landing page of onboarding has been fixed (there is no longer a random jump to Authorized Seller Page home page when you access it).
- A daily email is sent to support so Allegion is notified if docusign can't send the documents to the legal signatory.
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